Dumbbell Exercises

Dumbbells are free weights and the perfect home gym tools for strengthening muscles and joints without the need for large pieces of equipment. Dumbbell exercises also help to maintain healthy cardiovascular and respiratory systems. Technogym dumbbells are easy to hold with their knurled grip while their hexagonal shape makes storing them easy. Tough rubber coating absorbs the shock of exercising while protecting your floors. If you're new to dumbbell exercises start with 7.5kg weights and progress to our heaviest ones (22.5kg). We've put together some exercises for you that work every part of your body. Focus on one area each session or mix and match the exercises to create your own routine. We recommend a minimum of 10 reps for every exercise.

Dumbbell Exercises for the Back

Modern lifestyles can have a detrimental effect on your back. These dumbbell exercises for the back help develop strong back muscles, improve your posture, protect you from workout injury, and help you achieve a great-looking physique.

Romanian Deadlift

  • Hold each dumbbell at hip level with an overhand grip
  • Straighten the spine, drawing your shoulders back
  • Push hips backward as you lower the dumbbells towards your feet
  • Press hips forwards to straighten up

Dumbbell Reverse Fly

  • Stand with feet shoulder-width apart
  • Hold dumbbells by your side
  • Lean forward from the waist
  • Bring dumbbells up and out to the side
  • Slowly lower them again
Try exercises for the back with Technogym Dumbbells

Discover Technogym Dumbbells

Renegade Row

Lie in a pushup position with your hands on dumbbells

  • Pull one dumbbell up and back while maintaining your pushup balance
  • Pause before returning to the start position

Dumbbell Exercises for the Chest

These dumbbell exercises for the chest develop strong pectoral muscles which strengthens the shoulder muscles while improving breathing and posture.

Bench Press

  • Lie facing upwards on your Technogym Bench with dumbbells beside your shoulders
  • Raise arms, bringing them together above your chest
  • Pause
  • Bring arms slowly back down

One-Leg Dumbbell Row

  • Hold a stable surface with one hand and stand on the same leg
  • Drop your chest forward and lift the other leg up
  • Hold a dumbbell in your free hand with your arm extended downward
  • Pull the dumbbell up to your waist and then lower it
Try exercises for the chest with Technogym Dumbbells

Bridged Floor Press

  • Lie on your back with knees bent and feet flat on the floor
  • Hold the dumbbells over your chest with your palms facing
  • Squeeze glutes while pressing your feet into the floor
  • Lift your back to form a bridge
  • Lower your back, taking the weights out to the side as you do
  • Pause
  • Form a bridge again, bringing the dumbbells together

Dumbbell Exercises for the Triceps

Sometimes exercising the triceps gets overlooked but they play an important role in upper arm strength. These dumbbell exercises for the triceps give them a good workout.

Dumbbell Bench Press

  • Lie on your Technogym Bench, facing upwards
  • Hold dumbbells at chest level with elbows slightly raised
  • Keep your back flat on the bench and squeeze your pectoral muscles as you push the dumbbells up into the air
  • Lower them back to within an inch of your chest

Triceps Gravity Press

  • Lie face upward on your bench
  • Pull in your abs and hold dumbbells by your shoulders
  • Tuck elbows in with your forearms parallel to the ground
  • Keeping forearms parallel to the ground, slowly raise your arms
  • Hold at the highest point before returning to the starting point
Try exercises for the triceps with Technogym Dumbbells

Kneeling Triceps Kickback

  • Kneel on the ground with a dumbbell in each hand
  • Bend forward from the hips
  • Raise arms until elbows are bent at a 90-degree angle.
  • Straighten arms and reach back as far as you can go
  • Lower left arm to the starting position, keeping your right arm straight
  • Lower your right arm
  • Repeat the rep but lowering your right arm first this time
  • Do five reps with alternating arms and then five with both arms moving at the same time

Dumbbell Exercises for the Legs

Exercising with dumbbells isn't normally associated with working out the legs but these dumbbell exercises for the legs are perfect for training the lower body.

Side Lunge

  • Stand with feet together, torso upright, and dumbbells at your side
  • Lunge to the left, lowering your body weight onto the leading leg
  • As you lunge, lower the dumbbells until they touch your leading foot
Try exercises for the legs with Technogym Dumbbells

Discover Hexagon Dumbbells

Side Step-Up

  • Stand in front of a chair or box that is knee height
  • Place one foot flat on the top (leading leg) with the other to the side
  • Keep back straight with dumbbells at your side
  • Push up to straighten your leading leg
  • Step back down so your trailing leg is to the side again
  • Do five reps and swap sides

Sumo Squat

  • Stand with feet wide apart and toes slightly pointed out
  • Hold a dumbbell in each hand
  • Squat slowly down until your thighs are parallel with the floor
  • Return slowly to the starting position

Dumbbell Exercises for the Arms

Having strong arms is beneficial for core strength, balance, and posture. These dumbbell exercises for the arms give a good workout to the biceps, triceps, shoulders, and forearms.

Palms Up Wrist Curl

  • Sit with back straight on a bench with knees at 90-degrees to the floor
  • Hold dumbbells with palms up, forearms resting on your thighs, and hands extended just beyond your knees
  • Relax hands so the weights fall below the top of your knees
  • Slowly bend your wrists in to curl the weights upwards
  • Return to starting position
Try exercises for the arms with Technogym Dumbbells

Overhead Extension

  • Sit or stand with back straight and hold one dumbbell with both hands
  • Lift it straight up over your head
  • Let your elbows bend slowly to lower the dumbbell behind your head
  • Raise it to the starting position and repeat

Lateral Raise

  • Sit with a dumbbell in each hand
  • Hold your arms out so your palms face your thighs
  • Raise the dumbbells up and out so your arms are extended and parallel to the ground
  • Return to the starting position

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