4 Ways to Build Power for Skiing

Boosting your muscular power can not only help you ski better (and faster), but it can help you protect your joints from injury. Four ways to increase your power for skiing.

Power training can help strengthen your muscles and increase your reaction time, to help prevent falls. Here are four ways to increase your power for skiing at top shape. Power-boosting exercises can be more challenging than you are used to, so better make sure you know how to do them and that they are safe for your body.

Bike Intervals

Cycling, mountain biking or riding a stationary bike can be one of the best ways to build power for skiing—after all, you’re working your glutes, legs, and even your core, and you can do all this while scoring an all-you-need cardiovascular workout.

One of the best ways to boost your ski power while biking? Intervals! You can do them with any form of riding, though you can have the most control on an indoor stationary bike. Select a program that includes lots of ‘hills’—in the form of increased resistance while you pedal. You can also adjust the resistance yourself. If you prefer to control your program, try this simple interval workout:

  • Set your bike at an easy level for five to 10 minutes, to increase circulation and warm your muscles.
  • Next, pedal at a low-moderate pace (or level) for two minutes.
  • Then, adjust the level so it’s moderately hard—but still doable—and pedal as fast as you can for 30 seconds. Ease the level and pedal at an easy pace for two minutes. Repeat the sequence for 10 minutes, and you’ve got yourself a quick, efficient power-boosting workout.

Tuck Jumps

Plyometrics (bursts of effort in the form of jumps) are excellent power-building tools as they challenge your fast-twitch muscle fibers. You’ll use these to stay fast on your feet, so you can make quick turns.
Stand with your feet about hip distance and jump up as high as you can. Lift your knees as you jump, bring them up into a ‘tuck’ position. Try to land softly on the balls of your feet, and then quickly jump up again. Repeat for three sets of five reps, with a minute of walking rest between each set.

Lateral Bounds

These jumps closely mimic skiing’s movement patterns, helping you build power in one of the most sport-specific ways possible.
Stand with your feet about hip distance, with knees slightly relaxed. Leap with your right foot directly toward the right. Land softly (in a controlled fashion) on your right foot, and bring your left foot to meet it, just touching your left toes to the floor. Next, leap with your left foot to the left—repeating the movement to the other side. Continue bounding from side to side for 10 reps per leg.

Power Skipping

Skipping isn’t just for kids! In fact, it can be a fun way to build power while sneaking in a cardio workout. The mechanics are simple: head to a track or field, and skip! But instead of simply skipping the way you may have as a child, skip as hard and as high as you can, bring your knees high. Use your arms to create moment, and when you press up and off each foot, press forward at the same time. Go for as far as you can (or for about 30 seconds), and then rest for a minute before repeating.

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