The Wellness Foundation

The Wellness Foundation is a non-profit organization that is dedicated to assisting schools, universities, institutes and research centers, as well as any other public or private entity committed to improving people's quality of life.

The organization is primarily involved in promoting wellness by educating people about disease prevention and the importance of healthy physical activity.

The projects include:

  • "Gioca Wellness" – the aim of which is to combat childhood obesity.
  • "Muoviti che ti fa bene" – a physical exercise program open to all, which is held in city parks.

The Wellness Foundation is headquartered in Palazzo Romagnoli, one of the most important historical buildings in the Italian region of Emilia Romagna.

It was built during the mid-17th century, and has been enriched over the years by the families of Romagnoli marquises. It was enlarged during the mid-18th century, and houses numerous works by important artists. These can still be admired in the building’s frescoes, paintings, statues and interior decorations.

At the end of the 1990s, Technogym Founder and President Nerio Alessandri purchased and restored Palazzo Romagnoli, transforming it into an ideal space for promoting the wellness lifestyle.

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