The best resistance band moves for your whole body

Resistance bands: the easiest way to add extra intensity to your workouts!

It might not look like it could do much, but a resistance band is an easy way to add resistance to your workouts, without using weights or large pieces of equipment. Resistance bands are portable, making them suitable for home workouts as well as gym, and there are a wealth of exercises that can be done with them.
There are different types of resistance bands, and it’s useful to have one of each, as this makes it easier to practice several different movements. Technogym loop bands also come in various thicknesses, which can elicit different resistances and make your exercise easier or harder.  

A mini band is a continuous loop - usually a small loop - often used for lower body moves. A therapy band isn’t a loop; instead it is one long (usually very thin) band. These are often used for injury recovery. There are also larger looped bands, which as the name suggests, are one loop, but they are far bigger, often used for assisting pull ups. Unsure what resistance bands exercises are best? We’ve rounded up three moves which will burn your muscles and get them fired up!  

Discover Loop Bands

Banded Bridges  

The banded bridge is great to use with a mini band. As you push your hips up into the bridge position, try to slightly push your knees apart, so that the band is taut and so the lower body muscles are working even harder! As well as this, at the top of the move, aim to squeeze the glutes to fire them up even more!  

Banded Lateral Shuffle  

A great move for the entire lower body as well as the core. Here, the placement of your mini band will make a big difference on the difficulty of the move. Placing your mini band around your ankles can make this move harder, whilst placing it just above the knees can make it a little easier. 

As you take a side step, be sure to maintain resistance in the band, so that the lower body muscles are firing up and working. Plus, this works the core even harder!  

Plank toe tap

The plank is loved for a reason: it works your entire core and you can do it anywhere. This version adds targeted work around your hips, to help create toned glutes.

  • Loop the band around your ankles and then get into a plank. Be sure your wrists are directly beneath your shoulder and pull your abs tight toward your spine.  
  • Next, while keeping your body stable, raise your right foot just slightly off the floor and tap your toes three to six inches to the right.  
  • Return to the start position and repeat with your left foot. 

Continue alternating sides for 10 to 20 total reps. 

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