An Elliptical Workout

Elliptical trainers are a hugely popular choice for the home gym, suiting all ages and exercise experience. An elliptical workout is great for cardio fitness or as part of a weight-loss program while the smooth fluid movements of ellipticals avoid undue stress on your joints and muscles. Our Elliptical Trainers are comfortable to use, contain the latest technology, and with their touch of Italian style, look great in your home gym.

The Cross Personal is noted for its comfortable ergonomic design and silent operation. It also has the added benefits of a screen and built-in speaker, ideal for following the Technogym Live training routines.

Elliptical Workout Benefits: The Muscles Involved

With their ergonomic design and fluid movements, elliptical trainers deliver a low-impact alternative to running but you may be asking, “Is an elliptical a good workout option for the whole body?” The answer is, yes, a good elliptical workout benefits the whole body. As you pump your arms hard while moving your legs, your upper and lower body work effectively together in an aerobic action. This makes your heart and lungs work harder than normal, pumping more blood and oxygen around your body. In turn, this boosts your stamina, cardio capacity, and respiratory health.

Workout with Cross Personal to train all your muscles

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As your stamina increases, you begin to work harder which burns calories and helps you lose weight. During your elliptical workout, most of your body's major muscle groups including your hamstrings, quads, glutes, chest, biceps, triceps, and core muscles are strengthened and toned. Technogym Ellipticals have heart rate sensors in the hand grips. This Constant Pulse Rate (CPR) system tracks your heart rate during your workout and automatically adjusts the equipment's resistance, speed, and incline, ensuring every workout is both safe and effective.

Your Elliptical Machine Workout

With an elliptical, you can do steady-rate cardio workouts or push yourself with high-intensity interval training sessions. This means that with the right elliptical workout plan, the equipment is suitable for all ages and fitness levels.

With Technogym Live you have access to different training programs designed to give different elliptical workout results. These programs are simple to follow and led by our team of experienced Virtual Trainers. Alongside this, the performance-enhancing technology of Technogym Ellipticals ensures your training and fitness goals are successfully met. During your workout, you can also make adjustments yourself such as changing the elliptical's resistance or the incline of the foot pedals. This means different muscle groups are targeted. You can even make the foot pedals go in reverse to work on your hamstrings and glutes!

Workout with your elliptical machine

An Elliptical Workout for Beginners

If you're new to this form of exercise or recovering from injury or illness, you'll want to start with a gentle elliptical workout for beginners. If you do too much too soon, you'll not only be fatigued but end up with sore muscles and joints. This may put you off using your elliptical equipment again or even lead to injury. A gentle routine for beginners lasting about 10 minutes, eases you into elliptical exercise.

As a good guide, aim to work at a level that allows you to speak in full sentences but also delivers a gentle burn in your muscles and some breathlessness at the end of the session. To start your elliptical journey, we've put together a short routine that is ideal for beginners. Do this three times a week to start with while paying attention to your rate of perceived exertion (RPE). A scale of one to 10 gauges how hard you are working. Level 4 is an easy warm-up pace while Level 6 is beginning to take you out of your comfort zone. During your first sessions, adjust the elliptical so that you stay working at a moderate intensity of RPE Level 5. As you are working your legs quite intensively, remember to do some gentle stretches at the end of the routine.

5 minutes Warm-up at a steady pace with the incline and resistance set low 4
3 minutes Increase the incline and/or resistance until you're working noticeably harder than your warm-up pace. You should still be able to chat. This creates a baseline pace for you 5
2 minutes Increase your incline and/or resistance until you're just exceeding your baseline pace 6
3 minutes Decrease the incline or resistance to work at your baseline pace again 5
2 minutes Increase the incline and/or resistance until you feel that you're once again working harder than your baseline pace 5 – 6
5 minutes Gradually decrease the incline and resistance to work at a steady pace for your cool-down period 4

An Elliptical Workout for Seniors

With their smooth movements and low impact, Technogym Ellipticals are the perfect workout solution for seniors. As the feet never leave the pedals, ellipticals provide a form of exercise that's much easier on the body than running or long walks. This is particularly important if you suffer from painful conditions such as osteoporosis or arthritis. Every session on your elliptical works both your upper and lower body. Maintaining strong muscles as you age is vital for your quality of life and ability to undertake day to day tasks.

Discover the perfect workout with Elliptical for Seniors

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Another strong reason for working out on an elliptical in later years is to help you maintain a good balance. Balance is something that deteriorates as the years go by and can lead to dangerous falls. Finally, an elliptical workout for seniors is a fun way of giving your body some intense cardio training without over fatiguing you. If you're a senior and have added an elliptical to your home gym, start with some simple beginners’ routines of about 10 minutes each. As you feel comfortable with these, increase the length and pace of your sessions. Then start experimenting with the incline and resistance of the foot pedals depending on your fitness goals.

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