5 Good Reasons to use the Treadmill

5 Benefits of the Treadmill

Our home treadmills are easy to operate while delivering challenging and varied home workouts. Whether you want to lose weight, improve your cardiovascular health, or simply run away from the stresses of daily life, you can adapt home treadmill workouts to your specific exercise needs. Even better, while working out you can listen to your favorite playlist or catch up with some movie watching in complete safety. Our treadmills are designed to be at the heart of the perfect domestic gym, motivating you to exercise as part of a healthy lifestyle.

To get you started, let's take a look at the Top Five Benefits of the Treadmill:


1. Switch on the treadmill, burn off the calories

A treadmill benefits weight loss programs especially if you do high-intensity interval training (HIIT) workouts. HIIT workouts are an effective and relatively fast way of burning calories and reducing body fat. With HIIT, you work hard on your treadmill for a short period and then dial it down for a more restful jog or walk. During the high-intensity period when your body is working flat out calories are rapidly burnt off. Then, when you slow it down, your body attempts to return to its normal resting state by metabolizing body fat for energy.

Workout with the MyRun treadmill to burn off the calories

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To make a workout even more effective for burning calories, you need to know your fat-burning heart rate and aim to reach this as you exercise. Sustaining this rate when you run is when the most calories per minute are burnt off. To find your maximum fat-burning zone subtract your age from 220. Then calculate 70% of this to give the heart rate you're aiming to work at. (For example, if you are 40 years old, subtract 40 from 220 to give 180. 70% of this is 126, your fat-burning heart rate.) During your high-intensity bursts, you should be working consistently at this rate. Add in a few hills and even more calories will melt away as your body works harder.


2. Improve muscle tone with a treadmill workout

As well as seeing the weight disappear with regular treadmill workouts, you'll also notice your muscles becoming stronger and more toned. For more visible results, especially with your leg, buttock, and abdominal muscles, jump on the treadmill regularly. These regular treadmill sessions improve your stamina and speed, allowing you to work harder and longer. The longer and harder you work, the more definition your leg and stomach muscles will develop. Swing your arms as you run, and your arms and shoulders also get a toning workout.

To improve the impact of this, hold some light Wellness Weights while running. While not quite so visible, treadmill sessions also work the lumbar muscles, giving you the benefit of greater core strength and improved balance. If you want to tone specific muscles, modify your treadmill workout. For example, increase the incline if you want to work your glutes and calves harder.


3. Using the treadmill for peak cardio health

Stay physically active and you are doing the best possible thing for good cardiovascular health. Whether you're recovering from a cardiovascular incident or you wish to avoid one, running on a treadmill strengthens your heart muscles and improves circulation, leading to lower blood pressure. It also helps you maintain a healthy weight, protects your arteries from the damage inflicted by cholesterol and sugar, and improves your mood.

Workout with the treadmill Skillrun for peak cardio health
All vital pointers towards good cardiovascular health. To remain at the peak of this cardiovascular health, aim to run at a steady pace for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week. Running like this elevates your heart rate, helping you perform other beneficial exercises such as weight training, cycling, and swimming more efficiently.


4. Treadmill running for stress relief

As well as the treadmill benefits for body appearance and physical health, treadmill running is also a wonderful mood lifter. Running for stress relief releases endorphins, creating beneficial feelings of satisfaction and relaxation that can last for up to two hours after your workout. Even if is a real effort sometimes to start your morning treadmill workout the post-workout feelings more than compensate for it.

You'll approach your day with more confidence and get up and go whatever your diary holds. If, on the other hand, you are someone who reaches peak stress by the end of the working day then some high-intensity treadmill exercise is just what the doctor ordered. It burns off the anger and stress that has built up during the day. You'll be able to reflect on your day in a more balanced way as well as being sure of getting a good night's sleep.


5. Workout whatever the weather

Finding the motivation to run outside on a fine sunny day is easy but it's much harder if the rain is pouring down, the snow is thick on the ground or the temperature is too high for exercising safely. When you have your own treadmill at home, however, it's easy to reap the health and fitness benefits no matter what is going on outside your window.

Workout at home with the treadmill Run Personal

Discover Run Personal

As well as setting up your treadmill, we offer the expertise of our experienced personal trainers along with guided workouts, all of which can be accessed 24/7. Simply, download a personalized training session to your tablet and place it on the console. Whatever the season and whatever the elements are doing, you'll be able to exercise in safety while monitoring your progress. Or, if you miss running through the great outdoors but the weather is against you, download an urban or natural landscape from our extensive global collection.

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