A perfect plyometric workout for beginners

Everyone wants to have a little bit of a spring in their step. When it comes to your workout routine, catching some air can actually lead to major muscular gains. Plyometrics, also known as jump training, includes powerful aerobic exercises that can help to increase your endurance, strength, and speed. Research even shows that adding plyometrics into your regular routine even just twice per week is an effective way to harness even more power and strength.

So then, what does this look like in practice? Think of any movement where you may leave contact with the ground, like a jumping lunge, squat, or plyometric push-up, all of which take some time to work up to — but admittedly, look pretty rad. A few things to take into consideration before taking the plyometric leap of faith (pun intended): First and foremost, it’s important to get your form down first, especially before adding an external load.

Exercise specialists recommend starting slowly to best address any imbalances and compensations the body might select before trying more advanced level types of movements. Not sure if you are doing something right? Reach out to a trainer or other expert to have them check on your form. You will not regret the extra help as you start to use plyometrics more often.

Plyometric motions are ballistic in nature and apply tremendous strain on the body. This doesn’t just strain the muscles but tendons, joints, and ligaments too. Incorporate plyometric movements at first in small spurts.  This will give your body time to get adjusted to a new movement pattern. Now you have all the tools you need to get started. Here, California-based trainer Tim Lui offers up a kettlebell-based plyometric workout that is great for beginners.

Plyometric Workout

  • Equipment: Technogym Kettlebell, Bench
  • Do: Three sets of each exercise, resting 30 seconds between each. For the supersets, complete the first movement, then go directly into the first set of the second movement. Do all movements in order to complete your first set. Then, repeat as prescribed.

Racked Kettlebell Jump Squats

Stand with your feet slightly wider than hip-distance apart holding a kettlebell racked at your chest. Bend your knees and sit your butt back, keeping your chest upright. Push through your heels to return to start for one rep.

  • Reps: 5

Vertical Jump

Start standing with your feet at hip-width distance. Swing your arms down and back, then bring them up and simultaneously jump as high as possible into the air. Land with soft knees for one rep.

  • Reps: 5

Alternating Kettlebell Swing

Stand with feet shoulder width apart. Hinge from hips, grip kettlebell overhand with one hand. Pull kettlebell between legs to begin swing. Extend hips and stand tall releasing kettlebell to switch to opposite hand. Repeat cycle: hinge hips bringing bell through legs and extend hips to switch arms.

  • Reps: 15

Single-Arm Kettlebell Row

Do it: Stand next to a flat bench or chair. Place your right hand on it under your shoulder, keeping your arm straight. Rest your right knee on the bench. Step your other leg out to the side. Pick up your kettlebell with your left hand. Engaging through the core, row the kettlebell up toward your chest until your upper arm’s parallel to the floor. Lower back down for one rep.

  • Reps: 10 per arm

Kettlebell Deadlift

Start standing with your feet at hip-width distance, kettlebell on the ground on the floor below you. Reach down to grab the kettlebell with an overhead grip by hinging at your hips, bending through the knees, and lowering your torso until it’s almost parallel to the floor. Rise to stand, keeping the kettlebell close to the body. Pause, then lower your torso back to the starting position for one rep.

  • Reps: 10

Single Arm Kettlebell Push Press

Start in a deadlift position with the kettlebell in front of you. Using an overhand grip, swing kettlebell up to rack position at chest level. Slightly bend your knees, push through the feet, using the force of the movement — press the kettlebell overhead. In the top position, your elbow should be entirely extended. Make sure your knuckles are facing the ceiling. Slowly bring the kettlebell back to chest height for one rep. Do five reps; repeat on opposite side.

  • Reps: 5 per arm

Kettlebell Romanian Deadlift

Hold a kettlebell with an overhand grip at arm’s length in front of your thighs. Stand with your feet hip-width apart and your knees slightly bent. Brace your core. Without changing the bend in your knees (this should be minimal), hinge at your hips, and lower your torso until it’s almost parallel to the floor, keeping the kettlebell close to the body. Pause, then raise your torso back to the starting position for one rep.

  • Reps: 6

Plyometric Push-Up On Bench

Start in a high plank position with your hands on an elevated surface, link a bench. Lower down into a classic push-up, keeping the elbows close to the body. Then, engaging the core, press through your palms and explode upward so that your hands get some air time before coming back into contact with the bench for one rep.

  • Reps: 5

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