Many sports performance, therefore, depends on the stability of the core muscles: horse riding is part of these. In particular, jockeys must train this musculature because good stability at the abdominal level helps to control the horse and to give it correct orders. The rider does not just "stand on the saddle": the horse responds to the stimuli that derive from the muscle commands given by the rider.
Exercises with Kinesis for horse riding
Which muscles are mainly involved? adductors, quadriceps, buttocks and core muscles.
The correct maintenance of the posture and the consequent set-up during the race depend, in fact, on the core that will have to work efficiently even for long periods of time. The athlete must therefore try to improve the strength and endurance of this muscle group if he is to succeed in giving perfect commands to his horse throughout the competition.
Hip hinge to alternated high pull
Extend the torso until it returns to the upright station, then pull the right handle backward and upwards, with the passing elbow above the line joining the shoulders. Exhale in a slow and controlled manner throughout the extension of the torso and the traction of the arm. Return to the starting position by inhaling and repeating with the opposite limb.
Reverse Woodchop on ball
Twist your torso while moving your arms upwards until you exceed the height of your shoulders. Breathe in slowly and controlled during the movement, then return to the starting position inhaling before repeating the movement. At the end of the exercise, sit 180° away from the starting position and repeat the exercise on the opposite side.
Crunch on ball
Flex the trunk by raising your head and shoulders while keeping your arms outstretched in front of your torso. Breathe in during contraction and breathe in returning to the starting position before repeating the movement.
Squat jump
Bend ankles, knees and maintaining the natural physiological curves of the back until the thighs are approximately parallel to the ground. Breathe in throughout the descent. Then, exhaling, perform a rapid extension of the lower limbs trying to jump as high as possible. Be careful to cushion the contact with the ground by keeping the lower limbs slightly flexible. After that, make sure that you have taken your starting position again before repeating the movement.
Take a step towards Kinesis with your right leg while flexing your knee and hip. At the same time, bend your left knee to touch the ground. The width of the step must be such on get, at greatest flexion, angles of about 90° between the thighs and at the level of the right and left knees. Breathe in during this phase. Then, exhaling, return to the starting position by performing the opposite movement before repeating with the contralateral limb.