Emotions are an essential component of sport, particularly in combat sports where an effective attack on the opponent's body is one of the main actions.
The psychology in sport: ultramarathon runners
The studies that have investigated the reasons why ultra-runners are driven to practice this type of sport have almost exclusively shown that the most important motivating factor is the opportunity to achieve and overcome personal goals, often extreme.
Ultrarunning offers runners the opportunity to set themselves different goals, more or less extreme and difficult to achieve, explain the psychology of sport.
Some of the emerging sports such as trail running, jogging, cycling or triathlon have no clear boundaries between competitive and amateur practice, as is the case in more traditional sports.
Psychology in sport: boxing, fighting sports
According to psychology in sport, Team sports' athletes are more extrovert, with a higher abstract reasoning and a higher self-confidence.
Psychology in sport question: can mental fatigue affect perceptual-cognitive abilities?
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