Are you looking to become a better Alpine Skier?

Alpine Skiing is an exciting sport, but to be fast and to avoid common injuries you need to be physically prepared. If your goal is to hit the slopes in winter, you should consider some of the training tips found in this article.

Alpine skiing performance can be enhanced through increased lower body strength, power, balance and agility, as well as core stability through a strong trunk. Fundamental exercises like squats and some single-leg exercises are the basics in your training agenda. Do not forget core strength which an essential pre-requisite for safe and effective sport performance.That’s why more and more competitive skiers are investing their summer time (the off-season) in the weights room to improve their performance.

But what do you have to do? If you decide to add biceps curls in your program, you are getting a little off track , why?

In fact, alpine skiing benefits most from increases in lower body strength, power, balance and agility, as well as core (abdominal and low-back) control. Basic exercises like squats and some single-leg exercises are likely your best decision. In addition, core strength is an essential component of sport performance.

6 training tips for an effective alpine ski workout

  1. 1. Warm up before lifting weights. You can start with 5 to 10 minutes on a stationary bike or on a treadmill  and then perform some lighe resistance exercises like the dumbbell front squat (foto). Over time gradually increase the intensity (i.e., move from full squats to single-leg squat).
  2. 2. Start with the basic movements to improve strength. The key exercise to improve strength of the lower limbs is the squat. Be sure to execute perfectly the movement and start using a weight that you can lift between 12 and 15 times. Over time you can gradually increase with a load that you can lift 10 times for three sets.
  3. 3. The second basic movement we suggest you is the dumbbell lunge. With this exercise that has to be executed perfectly, you will improve knee and hip stability as well as optimizing trunk stabilization.
  4. 4. Challenge your core muscles. Core muscle (abdominals and low-back) provide the fundamental support when executing a static contraction which is highly common in skiing performance. Maintaining specific positions 30 to 45 seconds is particularly effective. This is due to providing a structured and progressive overload in comparison to the average static duration per turn when skiing.
  5. 5. Improve your dynamic stability with rotational movements. When skiing force production is often expressed in a rotated position. That’s why is important to apply controlled rotational exercises with external load. Be sure to execute this movement with a well stabilized trunk movement.
  6. 6. Improve Balance & Explosiveness at the same time.To improve power you need to execute any given movement at a high velocity with a significant load. Be sure to perfectly execute the exercise in order to avoid injuries during training.

However, do not forget that flexibility exercises aid in injury presention so be sure to carry out an effective cool down after every session.

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